Wind Chimes: 6 Oct 2012

Straw Flower by Pat Bailey
Straw Flower. Photo: Pat Bailey on ‘I Miss Me Too’

Here is today’s sampling of the music made by the Spirit in the Wind Chimes.
What do you hear?

A visual delight, and more

I encourage you to visit the blog I Miss Me Too (renamed A New Day on 9/29/12) by Patricia C. Bailey. Pat lives with the pain of Fibromyalgia and the every day challenges of ‘Chronic Illness.’ Here is (part of) what she said about a rose pictured in her post Floral Friday: Finding Myself

I think this rose best portrays who I am. It is open, showing the complexity of the inner. The inner seems to have a cross, as my faith is very central to who I am but I don’t proclaim it loudly. It is rather private. The outer is loose and gentle and freely unfurling. Even though I am in my late 60′s there is still some unfurling to do. I am still in the process. I can also be a bit prickly if people try to hold on too tightly or are careless around me. It helps people remember to play nice.

A short prayer for those living with chronic illness

Support and encourage those who live with chronic illness; strengthen those who endure continual pain, and give them hope; grant the refreshment of peaceful sleep to all who suffer—we pray to you, O God…
from A Litany of Healing in Enriching Our Worship 2 (a prayer book of the Episcopal Church), pp. 30-32

William Tyndale remembered today, October 6th

Preparations to burn the body of William Tyndale. John Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, 1563. Image: Wikimedia Commons

At the risk of his own life William Tyndale translated the Bible into English from the Hebrew and Greek texts available in his day. What he began in the 16th century has blossomed in the 21st century.

“in whom we live and move and have our being” was first penned by William Tyndale. You may be surprised by the legacy on the English Language left by this man. Join others in giving thanks today for his scholarship, his courage, his faith, his desire to make the Word of God known.

Author: Daniel Rondeau

I am a husband and father and an Episcopal Priest (now retired) in the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego.

3 thoughts on “Wind Chimes: 6 Oct 2012”

  1. Thank you so much for featuring me – so sweet of you. And thank you for the prayer – it was perfect. God heard your heart before you wrote this because I had been in a downward spiral due to a couple of bad nights. Last night I slept a good, restful 9 hours. Communicating with God does work! Sometimes I even listen. 🙂 Hard for me to do but that is when it works best.

    1. My turn. Thank you for your kind words. Thank you, too, for the flowers and your thoughts. The rose and your meditation put me in mind of a poem by Helen Steiner Rice. Perhaps you have seen it before, if not:

      It is only a tiny rosebud,
      A flower of God’s design;
      But I cannot unfold the petals
      With these clumsy hands of mine.

      The secret of unfolding flowers
      Is not known to such as I.
      GOD opens this flower so sweetly,
      When in my hands they fade and die.

      If I cannot unfold a rosebud,
      This flower of God’s design,
      Then how can I think I have wisdom
      To unfold this life of mine?

      So I’ll trust in Him for His leading
      Each moment of every day.
      I will look to him for His guidance
      Each step of the pilgrim way.

      The pathway that lies before me,
      Only my Heavenly Father knows.
      I’ll trust Him to unfold the moments,
      Just as He unfolds the rose.

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